Comics 101
Fiona Black
Unit of Study: Visual Storytelling
Subject: Art
Grade: 9th
*Lesson can be adapted to work with older students but materials and language may vary.
The Big Idea:
Student will create a short comic, focusing on telling a story with no text.
Specific Essential Questions addressed in this lesson:
What is visual storytelling? How can we tell a story with no words? What kinds of visual tools can we use in replace of text?
Learning Outcomes/Expectations/Objectives:
As a result of this lesson, students will understand that visual storytelling is a powerful tool.
As a result of this lesson students will know that visual storytelling can be done through many mediums.
As a result of this lesson students will be able to use visual storytelling to make a short comic.
Learning Activities:
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce students to visual storytelling. [What is visual storytelling? How can we use visuals to explain an event or occurrence? How can we use visuals to replace words? What visual tools might we use?]. Show a slideshow with examples of wordless comics. Explain to students that they will be creating their own short comics with little to no words or text.
Demonstration (5 minutes)
Show students examples and give them a brief demo on creating comic panels.
Transition students over to their tables to begin working. Put examples and steps up on the board for all to see while they work.
Activity (35 minutes)
Students work on their comics and follow steps as they go.
Clean up (5 minutes)
Give students 10 and 5 minute warnings before clean up begins, then remind them put all materials pack in their place.
Closure (5 minutes) *For when project is complete - may take several class periods. Invite students to share their work at this time.
Materials needed for the lesson:
8.5 x 11 paper [1-3 per student]
pencils [1 per student]
colored pencils [1 bin per table]
rulers (available if needed)
Teacher Materials needed for demonstration:
1 sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper