Con'Text'tualizing High School
Fiona Black
Unit of Study: Mixed Media
Subject: Art
Grade: 10-12th
*Lesson can work with any high school age group.
The Big Idea:
Students will showcase the realities of high school through a mixed media collage painting.
Specific Essential Questions addressed in this lesson:
What are the realities of high school that you weren't prepared for? How would you exemplify those realities through imagery? How can we use color/pattern/texture to show emotion?
Learning Outcomes/Expectations/Objectives:
As a result of this lesson, students will understand that art can be a powerful tool for empathy and understanding.
As a result of this lesson students will know that their stories and realities are as important as any other.
As a result of this lesson students will be able to use real-life examples and scenarios in their creative practice.
Learning Activities:
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce students to this very personal project by showing examples first. [What do you notice about these words and texts? Is there anything they have in common? What emotions are they expressing? Do you relate to them at all?] Explain that these are all real texts received by high school students from their peers, and that students will be using their won experiences and texts to create a personal profile on the realities of high school. These mixed media paintings will have a background image created by each students that helps visualize the emotion behind the text displayed.
Transition students over to their tables to begin working. Put examples and steps up on the board for all to see while they work.
Activity (40 minutes)
Students work on their comics and follow steps as they go.
Clean up (5 minutes)
Give students 10 and 5 minute warnings before clean up begins, then remind them put all materials pack in their place.
Closure (5 minutes) *For when project is complete - may take several class periods. Invite students to share their work at this time.
Materials needed for the lesson:
canvas [1 per student]
pencils [1 per student]
acrylic paint
printer and computer
liquid glue